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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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Samosa Ajja of Mangalore

In St. Aloysius (autonomous) College, the man wearing a Gandhi cap, a white kurta and dhoti sitting on a plastic chair near the St. Aloysius Chapel, with a cardboard carton right next to him is familiar to teachers and students alike. He sits in the same place every working day of the college and he has been doing so for more than four decades. Do not be mistaken, he isn’t a simple old man who sits in the college premises in his leisure time. In his carton, he has delicacies whose taste is unforgettable by anyone who is fortunate enough to taste them. Samosa, peanut brittles or chikkis and jalebis at very affordable rates.

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Mr.  Mallikarjuna Malagi is an 85 year old man who had moved to Mangalore from Badami- Balagot district of North Karnataka in 1979. He serves piping hot delicacies to students who run to his side during the five minute break they get or during lunch hour for rates like Rs. 3 or Rs. 2.5 per piece. Where else would you have your stomach’s fill with less than Rs. 10 and receive the balance of Rs. 2 that will aid to pay for your evening bus fare? This sweetheart of man is lovingly called Samosa Ajja, Chikki Ajja or Shenga Ajja or the grandfather who serves Samosa, peanut brittle or shenga by every student of the college.

The fastest sprinter is assigned by the class to run towards ajja and buy a minimum of five packets. He is required to return to class in less than 5 minutes lest he may be late for the next hour. As soon as he returns, the packets are swiftly passed around even as the teacher stands in class. Sharing the delicious treats and eating them in such a way that they are not chided by the teacher is what makes them tastier. As the students bite into one of the five samosas packed in the plastic cover as they sit in their classrooms, the smell travels through class and they flash smiles. And all they can manage to say is “Thank God for samosa ajja!”

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Being a follower of Gandhian ideas, Mr. Malagi believes that one should be self- sufficient, thereby,  must have the ability to provide for himself and his family. He lives with his wife in Kavoor and they have four daughters and a son, all of who are married and settled in their respective lives. Despite their constant urge to retire and spend more time at home, he says that he is more than joyous to work and see the smiles on the children’ s face each day.

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