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Women became the victim of online fraud in Udupi

Things like these have become usual nowadays, which we have to be very aware of. A woman who became the victim of online fraud has approached the police in an attempt to get back the lost money. She lost Rs13.70 lac because of her misunderstanding.

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A lady from Gundibail here, who is currently a resident of Dubai is the one who filed the complaint against Philip James who was from Romania and was currently serving as a physician in the United Kingdom. He contacted her through messages and WhatsApp calls, He claimed money informing her that he was stuck at the New Delhi airport where the customs officials had stopped him. He said that he had to pay customs duty but was unable to convert dollars into Indian currency. So she had sent the amount to 2 different bank accounts. Later, he did not respond to calls after which she realized that she was cheated, the lady said.

Aware of increasing online frauds

In the present era, technology has a very important role in everyone’s daily life. There are a lot of benefits with the technology, everything has become digital now including payments. Along with all these developments, even online frauds are increasing day by day which everybody has to be very aware of.

Putting across an incident that happened recently at Mangalore A Woman who became the victim of online fraud has approached the police in an attempt to get back the lost money. She lost Rs13.70 lac because of her misunderstanding. A person contacted her through messages and WhatsApp calls, He claimed money informing her that he was stuck at the New Delhi airport where the customs officials had stopped him. He said that he had to pay customs duty but was unable to convert dollars into Indian currency. So she had sent the amount to 2 different bank accounts. Later, he did not respond to calls after which she realized that she was cheated, the lady said.

So here are some tips and precautions you can do to avoid such online frauds.

1. Stop believing unknown images
You should stop believing images like chats and screenshots. You are always recommended to verify its source(s) before trusting such images.

2. Don’t click on unknown attachments
Never click on attachments or links received through unknown SMS or emails unless you are sure about its source(s).

3. Check these signs
Signs like spelling mistakes, bad grammar or jumbled letters in the URL are some simple tricks to spot a scam.

4. Never share personal details
Always keep yourself alert from those links which ask for personal details. Be careful about such emails or links.

5. Beware of spyware
Spyware can monitor or steal your data from your device. You can detect spyware only when it affects your device and it will be too late then. Use good antivirus software to prevent such infection in your device

6. Protect your financial data
Sharing your confidential financial details like bank account number, OTP, PIN, etc. by responding to phone calls, emails or phone calls can cost you a lot. Please don’t fall into these traps.

7. Avoid sharing basic details
You should not disclose your date of birth, full name and your location, especially the place you or your family live, to unknown persons or sources.

8. Use passwords or PINs
Always use passwords, PINs or patterns to protect your phone or any other device you use. Make sure to lock it when you are not using it. You can use the Two Factor Authentication process, commonly referred to as 2FA, to secure your device from hackers

9. Don’t download random apps
You should not download any random apps from sources that are not commonly known to you. Look for detailed information about the app you want to download. Check the app’s developer, ratings and reviews before using it. It is especially important for the Android ecosystem where you can get fakes of literally everything.

10. Ask others to use their details
People, mainly senior citizens, should not share passwords with their friends. You can always tell your friends to use their details to use an app or service. You should also log out yourself from the computer, phone or device you were using to protect its access from others. Remember, you can never retire from caution and take security measures for your benefit.

11. Don’t be greedy
Lastly, you should avoid being greedy to protect yourself from such frauds. Scammers and fraudsters are always aware of your choices and succeed to lure others because they know most people like to receive something free or help others.

So, whenever you are getting such offers from unknown sources which are asking for your personal information before making a decision. It will be too late if you take such steps and could do nothing apart from regretting later. Remember, only awareness and staying alert can save you from such frauds.

Should always keep these things in mind while using online platforms, especially for transactions.

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