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Sunday, July 21, 2024

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Mangaluru’s ‘Hejje’ Campaign Takes Strides Against Ocean Pollution Through Footwear Collection Drive

In an endeavor to combat the pervasive issue of ocean pollution, Mangaluru has launched the ‘Hejje’ campaign, spearheaded by the Vana Charitable Trust in collaboration with St Aloysius College. The initiative seeks to tackle the persistent problem of beach littering, with discarded footwear comprising a significant portion of the debris. Environmental activist Jeeth Milan Roche shed light on the alarming discovery during beach cleanups, where 30 to 40% of the waste found consists of footwear, underscoring the urgent need for targeted intervention.

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The ‘Hejje’ campaign operates on a simple yet impactful premise: collecting both new and used footwear of any type, regardless of age, condition, or style. Since its inception, the campaign has garnered remarkable support, amassing over 5000 pairs of shoes. The ultimate goal? To reach a staggering 100,000 pairs, which will undergo meticulous sorting and either be recycled or repaired.

But the initiative doesn’t stop there. Once refurbished, the shoes will be distributed to those in need, including Ashrams, civic workers, and other deserving individuals. With the campaign set to continue until March, the call to action extends beyond organizational borders. Apartments, educational institutions, and religious establishments are urged to join the cause by collecting footwear and delivering it to the designated collection centers.

These centers, strategically located at St Aloysius College, Vana Charitable Trust in Attavar, and CFAL in Bejai, serve as pivotal hubs for channeling the community’s collective efforts towards a cleaner, healthier environment. Through collaborative action and unwavering dedication, Mangaluru’s ‘Hejje’ campaign stands as a beacon of hope in the ongoing battle against ocean pollution, demonstrating the power of grassroots initiatives to effect meaningful change.

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