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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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RT-PCR must for travellers arriving to Karnataka

As per government of Karnataka norms all the public travelling from Kerala to Karnataka are to produce the negative RT-PCR report of not later than 72 hours, mandatorily. The state government has also issued an order to compulsorily produce RT-PCR report, irrespective of their Covid Vaccination status,by all foreigners travelling to Karnataka. A special notice has been passed such that all passengers follow the Covid-19 norms strictly.

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In the view of two new emerging strains of Covid-19, the RT-PCR negative report and 14 days quarantine is a must for the passengers travelling from Brazil and South Africa to Karnataka. The National news sources have reported that the samples of individuals in quarantine will be sent to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS). These samples will be genome sequenced under the health department dominion. 

Even after arriving at Bengaluru airport the passengers are to go for RT-PCR testing irrespective of their previous Covid negative reports of flight boarding. Also, during 14 days quarantine the individuals are subject to two sample testing by RT-PCR, at a gap of 24 hours. The patient in question would be discharged only if these two reports are negative. 

After the strike of Covid-19 the government of Karnataka had curbed the entry of the new variant of this virus from the UK by making RT-PCR negative compulsory on arrival. The state government has taken a bold and firm step to impose important guidelines regarding reining the further spread of Covid. 

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