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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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A Fine Day in Mangalore….

As the sun rises over the world, when in Mangalore, if you have stationed yourself in a good spot, you have the blessing of watching nature’s glory unfold. When this happens, when one looks around, they are sure to see people on their morning walks or exercise routines, people travelling to work, a few on their cycles, a few people cleaning their front yards to welcome the new day, shop owners ready to open their shop’s shutters and all these passers- by greeting each other with familiar glances. The trees around sway their luscious leaves and sprinkle drops of dew as the wind touches them.

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Students and office goers get ready for their institutions while the mothers, hostel owners and chefs at restaurants prepare their versions of neer dosa, pundi, buns, chane usli (seasoned chickpeas), kotte kadumbu(idli in jackfruit leaves) and other breakfast items. They eat their meal, pack their lunch and rush outside their homes for the busy day ahead. Many places in Mangalore are easily accessible by taking a walk through town. So one can see many people, be it students in uniforms or employees walking to their respective places of study or work. If the place is not close enough to walk to, then buses, auto rickshaws or private vehicles are preferred. If one chooses to travel by bus, they walk to the nearest bus stop and buses halt near the crowded bus stops. The voice of the conductors calling out names of places become familiar to those who take the bus as a routine. When their respective places arrive, they rush out and their busy schedule takes over.

As evening comes along, one realises that a long day in the office, school or college deserve a little bit of rewiring. People find their solace in watching the sunset on beaches like Tannir Bhave, talking to friends in Balmatta ground, sitting in parks like Tagore Park, Kadri Park or they decide to have coffee, snacks, cakes or other deserts along with their friends in the nearest cafes like Crave, Ideal cafes, Night Owl, Cherry Square or the many restaurants that only Mangalore is proud to own. Then they head back home either by walking, by taking the bus, auto rickshaw or their vehicles. This journey back home is so much more fulfilling when listening to the music from their playlist. As they listen to the music, they see the familiar faces again, those people who chose to exercise with their friends, the uncle who takes his doggo for a walk, the young and the old who have decided to play their favourite sport, the shopkeeper in the store or the aunty in the red brick house. Everyone smiles at each other as the students head back home or to their hostels before their curfew bells rings and as office goers greet their parents back home. They settle in back home or in their hostels. Some give a call to their loved ones, some do their pending work and others get ready for dinner. For those whose days run longer, dinner is mostly at the nearby restaurant. As dinner concludes, so does the day. They rest to be rejuvenated for another day that is yet to unfold.

Spending time with people of different cultures, languages and viewpoints living together and understanding each other and in harmony is what makes Mangalore a place which brings so many people to call it their home.

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